The Pantheon of the Multi-verse

It is generally agreed-to among the theologians of Ur that the proto-humanoids are, first and foremost, idiots.

Whether this was design or accident is only known to the Celestials themselves, and trying to get a straight answer out of a god is like trying to a clear explanation of how a tax-deferred investment in a future turnip crop works.

Among the more idiotic aspects of proto-humanoid conduct is the religious war. This ranks up there with arguments over the best bard ballad, which gladiator is the best gladiator, and whether mead is better than grog. With all the things trying to kill you, you might as well not kill each other over such things. And, yet, you do.

Making this stupider still is that the same god might manifest herself or himself differently to different groups. They do this for reasons only they can explain, and as previously mentioned don’t even bother trying to get one.

The practical offshoot is that the gods might actually be at the center of a war of which god is the best god involving the same god.

Since practically everything you run into in Ur was based on, built from, or raised up from a proto-humanoid, just about everything on Ur does this from time to time.

Even things NOT based on the proto-humoids do this, and there’s no good explanation why. It’s more less a case where a defect was engineered into a product, declared a feature because no one wanted to fix it, and then was intentionally built into future releases…. at which point there was no one around to remember that it was all based on a bug in the first place.

Take the dragons: you want a colorful evening at a pub filled with Dragon Born? Shout “Bahamut could kick Tiamat’s ass!” Or, try, “Io don’t know shit from shinola!” Hijinx and mayhem will most certainly ensue.

Still, gods are not without their benefits. Ask them the right way, they will send a blast of radiant energy at something you don’t like very much. And, that’s just for openers.

If you get yourself tangled up with an elder as one of their agents out and about in the Material plane, then you can channel all sorts of bad news at your enemies.

If you are shopping for a diety, then a couple of things to keep in mind:

  1. If it is a god of some multi-verse, then it is a god in Ur
  2. That doesn’t mean that there are near infinite number of gods, you may be worshiping the same god as someone else, just under a different name and avatar (so be careful what you say about the gods in mixed company)
  3. Alignment counts. Pick a god that is not part of your character’s alignment, strange things are going to happen to you.
  4. The gods are fighting the Abyssal-Infernal Axis, but that doesn’t mean they don’t fight each other, too. Be mindful of who you worship and who you TELL that to, as well.

As with everything on Ur, small decisions will get you killed. So, big decisions like which god to get yourself aligned to is probably a disaster of some sort or another. It’s best not to over think it and hope that the end is swift and relatively painless.

For reference, here are some useful links